Sunday, April 10, 2016

If only…

This week, I am reflecting on some of the things I wish could come true as we head into the 4th marking period (yup, that means the countdown to summer vacation has officially begun).  4th marking period means, 3 down, just 1 more to go.  We all see the light at the end of the tunnel.  But, we still have ¼ of the curriculum still to cover.  That being said, here is my
If only…
o   my students would see me and treat me exactly like they treat their coaches when it come to their writing  (*remember, I teach at an all-boys school) and I am wholeheartedly trying to “improve their game.”
o   the parents of my students would be okay with their students learning from their mistakes more and not trying to swoop in and explain to me why they made the mistake or that it was my fault that they made the mistake…can we just be cooler that making a mistake and learning from it is a critical part of education?  

o   my seniors would realize that I 100% get their Senior-itis, and even had it more that they did when I was their age…however, we still have 3 weeks left and I am not going to spend those three weeks having us all look at each other or not doing anything.  We can take it down a notch and they can enjoy their final weeks as high school students, but we are still going to do some work.

o   those same Seniors would understand that their Senior-itis is contagious!  And if we all caught it, well…

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