Sunday, April 24, 2016

Polarizing Debates in English Class

One of the best parts of teaching English are the discussions and debates in class about the literature.  My Juniors classes had some energetic, lively, and loud debates about some issues that arise in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.  In Education circles, this strategy is called Polarizing Debates, where the topic chosen has no right or wrong answer and can put just as many people on one side of the issue as the other.  The goal when debating is to state why you chose the side you chose, but also to try to get those on the opposing side to switch over to yours through your compelling argument. 

We debated issues such as the responsibility of parents, the root of evil and whether or not people are born evil or benevolent, and who is the bigger monster in the novel:  Victor Frankenstein or his creation.  Students would walk into class and the first thing they would say is, “Are we debating today?”

 Now as I move to Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations with those same Juniors and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby with my Sophomores, I look forward to more and more debating.  I hope to debate issues such as their own expectations and aspirations in life and whether or not money is required for happiness.  I teach at a school where expectations are, in fact, high.  So, it is definitely an interesting discussion to see how my students will respond to where Pip and Gatsby went wrong in trying to achieve wealth.  I have a feeling there are going to be some very spirited discussions.  I can’t wait! 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Selling the Romantics

If any non-English teachers has ever wondered what it is like to teach Romantic Poetry…I can tell you that it is very similar to being a Used Car Salesman.  I mean, why bother with something old, unstylish, and outdated when you can get the newer, sleeker, cooler model?   The one with all the snazzy buttons and things that light up….when, for pretty much 100 years, all you really need are the basics:  wheels, engine, windows, etc.  Here is where we need all the old-timers to help me spread the “they sure don’t make ‘em like they used to” sentiment. 

It really is the same with Romantic Poetry.  Keats, Wordsworth, Shelley, Emerson, Thoreau and many others were just trying to say what these following memes are trying to say now:

To them, nature was something we were sometimes “out of tune” with and that we had “given away our hearts” for the acquisition of things.   Today’s generation with their faces in their phones need to be reminded of Thoreau’s famous lines “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” 
Here is an article that proves what these Romantics were saying all along about nature being a teacher and a healer:

Doctors Explain Why Going On A Hike Changes Your Brain. How It Works Is Fascinating

 The bottom line is that the used car can get you to the same place as the newer one can.  Truth is, sometimes I want the new car, too.  There are some fantastic modern poets out there.  That’s the awesome things about both poetry and cars, they can both get you from point A to point B, older versions and the newer ones.  The new versions are great, but sometimes it’s best to stick with the classics. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

If only…

This week, I am reflecting on some of the things I wish could come true as we head into the 4th marking period (yup, that means the countdown to summer vacation has officially begun).  4th marking period means, 3 down, just 1 more to go.  We all see the light at the end of the tunnel.  But, we still have ¼ of the curriculum still to cover.  That being said, here is my
If only…
o   my students would see me and treat me exactly like they treat their coaches when it come to their writing  (*remember, I teach at an all-boys school) and I am wholeheartedly trying to “improve their game.”
o   the parents of my students would be okay with their students learning from their mistakes more and not trying to swoop in and explain to me why they made the mistake or that it was my fault that they made the mistake…can we just be cooler that making a mistake and learning from it is a critical part of education?  

o   my seniors would realize that I 100% get their Senior-itis, and even had it more that they did when I was their age…however, we still have 3 weeks left and I am not going to spend those three weeks having us all look at each other or not doing anything.  We can take it down a notch and they can enjoy their final weeks as high school students, but we are still going to do some work.

o   those same Seniors would understand that their Senior-itis is contagious!  And if we all caught it, well…

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Week Before Break

One of the benefits of teaching at a private school is that we sometimes get more time off for holiday breaks.  This is the last week of instruction before our 2 week Spring Break which everyone needs and deserves.  But, there are a few things that need to be considered when we do not see our students for two weeks. 
Here are some of them:
1.   They will think every day this week is the day before break.  Monday will feel like Friday.  Tuesday will feel like Friday.  Wednesday will feel like Friday.  Thursday will feel like Friday.  And Friday will feel like, well, better than Friday. 
2.   Students will be in state of incredulous wonder in every class where a teacher is still instructing and working through the curriculum. 

3.   Teachers will want to get any important tests, projects, etc. done before the break to avoid any gaps in learning the material. 

4.   If you add #2 and #3 together, you get teachers vigorously trying to finalize parts of their curriculum and students who either joining them in the fight or looking like cartoon figures with two question marks instead of eyes. 

5.   There will be countdowns.  Teachers will be doing the counting down more than students. 

6.   Teachers will need to decide what to assign for homework over this long break.  There are two schools of thought on this.  The first is to let break be break and let students spend time with their families without the stress of homework.  The second is to assign something that they can actually get done because they might have some time on their hands.  I do assign homework (reading or an essay) but it is not due the day they get back.  It is usually due 2-3 days after, so students can choose whether they would like a homework free break or to get it done when they have some extra time to do it. 

7.   Not only will the classrooms feel different this week, so will the hallways, the
    cafeteria, and the library.

The week before break is a certainly a special week in the school year.  In order to get to our long break, we will embrace what will be a long and crazy week.   And this year, when we get back to school after break, we will have about 2 months before summer break.  So, there will be more even more counting down.    

Monday, March 7, 2016

One of my favorite activities to do with my Sophomores is called Vocabulary Challenge.  The have to choose from 50-75 vocabulary words and create a story that makes sense and shows that know the meaning of the word and can use it appropriately. 

So for instance: 

     This will not receive credit:  The girl show a great deal of apathy.

     This will: By constantly rolling her eyes and sighing loudly, the girl   
     clearly expressed apathy at her mom’s lecture. 

We do this challenge once a marking and students can earn Extra Credit for using more words (and we all know how much they love Extra Credit).  I tell the students to feel free to use sports, cartoon characters, movie figures, etc. to make their story interesting.  Because of media and it being an election year, several students have even tackled satirizing politicians for their stories!

The creativity and the humor in some of these stories is the best part of it for me when I am grading them.  However, they are also upping their vocabulary game manipulating such words as charlatan, pernicious, pusillanimous, adulation, sycophant, grandiloquent, harangue, galvanize, juggernaut, just to name a few, into their stories.  (You can now also see how they can have fun in the political spectrum with these words!)  I have to place a 1 page maximum on the story or some of them would write 2-3 pages. 

Vocabulary instruction and assessment is predominantly memorization, even when we know that our goal is building.  And, we know the students making flashcards and quizlets…we tell them to!  This activity takes the assessment a step beyond memorization and it is one of the activities my students anticipate and really enjoy doing.  After I read them all, I compile a list of all of their story topics and then read 2-3 really creative or funny ones to the class. 

Here is a list of some of the story topics that they have fun writing:

o   the 1985 Celtics vs. the current Golden State Warriors

o   a noxious gas actually coming from a culinary school improperly disposing of eggs

o   a farmer trying to win the annual pumpkin competition

o   a charlatan trying to pull off a hoax on a genial couple

o   a restaurant date ending in an altercation

o   a boy who loves the WWE, but his mom thinks it is a fallacy

o   a myriad of people trying to get the new iphone

o   a letter to 007 about planting a bomb in a clandestine location

o   a yachting trip the faces a formidable storm

As you can see, they are very creative with their topics!


Monday, February 29, 2016

When Teaching English Becomes Math, Part 2

I knew everyone would want some news on how I was faring underneath this pile of Junior Research papers, ha ha ha!  So, here is the latest report: 

I am down to the final 17 papers to grade!  I would like to have them finished and back to students in one week, Monday, March 7th.  So, if I read 3 a day, I can do it!  The thing is, something (or many things) will happen that will cause me not to be able to do 3 per day and I will have to redo this very complicated (for an English teacher) Math equation several times before all is said and done.

That being said, I would like to comment on the papers I have read so far.  I am so proud of my students.  Writing a Research Paper is tough!  It is extremely labor intensive and requires the components of many parts to come together in a final product.  Also, many people often forget that writing is a skill – just like shooting a basketball, ice-skating, or cooking.  Just like running, trying to lose weight, or making hand-crafted birdhouses.  Sure, there are a few people that are naturally good at it.  But, all the rest of us, have to keep at it.  We have to keep writing, keep revising, keep reading about writing, keep editing, keep brainstorming, keep going to the Purdue OWL website when we have questions about MLA formatting, keep on keeping on!  And as with most skills, the more you keep practicing, the better you get.  No, you may never be Steph Curry, Bobby Flay, or whoever is the world-renowned maker of handcrafted birdhouses, but you will get better.  I promise, you will get better. 

The papers I have read so far are very good!  I am looking forward to reading the rest. 

And now I will channel my inner-Dorothy and click my ruby slippers together, because if my Math is right, “3 per day, 3 per day, 3 per day…”   and I am done! 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

When Teaching English Becomes Math

Right now, I am in the process of grading 43 rough drafts of Research Papers for my Juniors on the topic of societal fears and the hero or solutions that these fearful societies need to overcome the fears.  They are very interesting papers.  My students have put a tremendous amount of time into these papers.  I actually really enjoy reading them and providing helpful comments, suggestions, and feedback so that they can make revisions and turn in a more polished final draft. And, they are really quite interesting to read. But, the whole process becomes amazingly and ironically mathematical.  Here is how:

o   I have 43 to grade. 

o   I spend about 15-20 minutes on each paper.

o   That equals 3 papers per hour (and that is if I do not get distracted)

o   That equals approximately 15 hours to grade them.

o   Not to mention that I used a pretty specific rubric addressing 10 Research Paper Skills I would like my students to master.  I need a calculator to determine the grade.  And that is how teaching English become weirdly, insanely, and sometimes irritably mathematical.
And now for some funny memes and comics that may or may not make the grading of these papers easier…



Sunday, February 14, 2016

Snow Days!

It is truly not possible to determine who loves Snow Days more—teachers or students?  So for the benefit of not causing any issues, let’s just say it is 50/50.  But, it isn’t.  It is really, truly, factually, scientifically, and abundantly proven that teachers love Snow Days even more than students. 

When I was first teaching and we had a Snow Day, I went to school the next day and told the veteran teachers how much grading I got done and how I had planned ahead and felt so productive and pretty awesome.  They all stared at me with a “What’chu talkin’ bout Willis?” look.  One teacher put her arm around me and said very sweetly, but also quite seriously, “Um, you are not supposed to do any school work on a Snow Day, dear.”  Then it was my turn for the “What’chu talkin’ bout Willis?” look.  She continued, “Snow Days are a gift from God to teachers and he doesn’t want you to work.  He wants you to take the day off and sleep, read, make a snowman, do ANY thing you want to do, EXCEPT any school work.”  All the other teachers nodded and it seemed like the phrases “gift from God” and “NO school work” and “read, sleep, make a snowman” were leaving their lips and forming these crazy dream-like bubbles that started swirling around my head so that they would never EVER be forgotten. 

And those were the days when one had to listen to the radio for school closing or watch the scroll at the bottom of the screen before declaring a Snow Day victory.   Nowadays, a nice phone call or text and BAM, turn the alarm off!  Back to sleep, and no school work today!

Oh, and every once and awhile those weather people do such a nice job preparing us for snow storms that some schools declare a snow day the night before and we don’t even have to wait for the call or text in the morning.  Those snow days are Gifts from God with a cherry on top. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016


On Friday, I had one of the best grammar lessons with my sophomore classes ever!  English teachers know what a victory this is.  But, I have to give my 13 year old credit for helping me with the lesson’s success.  I was telling him how I wanted to make Grammar – types of clauses and classifying sentences, specifically – more interesting and important to my students.  I was feeling that they were not really seeing the importance of learning Grammar (HUGE battle to overcome with some), that they were not really getting it as much as I was trying to help them “get it, “ and that they were not really having any kind of fun.  And we all know that Grammar needs to be fun, right?

“What can I do to make them like Grammar more?”   I asked my son.

“Give them candy,” was his response.  

So I told my son, that I was not going to just give them candy just to make Grammar fun.  I needed more than that.

Again, a very short response from him, “Make it a competition.”

He even helped me with choosing candy they would all like:  Jolly Ranchers. 

And guess what?  Those beautiful watermelon, grape, cherry, sour apple, and blue raspberry candies and a little competition worked.  No one could get a Jolly Rancher until they answered all sentences in the exercises correctly and as a class they had to agree with the individual student whose turn it was to give an answer or help him get to the correct answer. 

So basically, they had to “get it” in order to get a Jolly Rancher. 

Best $5 I ever spent in the name of Grammar.  I will continue to see to it that none of my students makes a Grammar error like the one on this magazine cover. 




Friday, January 29, 2016

Being Sick and Being a Teacher

This week I came down with a sore throat and had to take a sick day to recover.  This is usually not a problem, you just take a sick day, right?  But, it was the week after exams and also the week grades were due and because of some student absences right before exam week, I was bogged down with trying to get grades up to date and complete my gradebook.  

Basically, it was not a good time to take a day off.  For some teachers, there actually never is a good day to take off.  Here is a funny meme that encompasses this vey thought:

 And another: 

Okay, so maybe these are some very funny exaggerations.  But, there actually is a good amount of truth to these memes.    I wonder how many jobs this is true for… this concept of “I’d rather just gut through being at work and not feeling well rather than making sub plans and then hoping the sub plans are actually completed and then grading the work you had the students do in your absence.”  UGH.  I read that sentence and I would rather just go to work!

Image result for teacher sick days
So just don’t ever get sick if you a teacher during the school year and you will be fine.  I mean, it’s not like you are around tons of people and countless germs all day! 



Thursday, January 14, 2016

Twas the Week Before Exams and all Through the Halls…

This week is the last week before exams and the level of stress in the building among all the students and the teachers is palpable.  And so instead of droning on and on about losing sleep or eating badly due to stress, let’s talk about why it is all worth it.  

First, it all does eventually get done. 

Second, we are turning out some great products.  My Creative Media class finished the semester with a bang and while I have been spending quite a bit of time preparing content and interesting projects for the class, they have been creating fun promotional videos and really nicely edited book trailers. 

And third, as we remember the great Alan Rickman who brought to life one of my favorite characters in all literature, if all of this work, effort, sweat, (and tears?  mine,  mostly and maybe my Juniors who were creating Notecards for their Research Papers this week) leads to students who love reading (especially Harry Potter) or making movies like Harry Potter and are confident and comfortable writers, then it is all worth it. 

RIP Alan Rickman.  Here is a great link to Important Scenes from Severus Snape in Chronological Order:

Good Luck on your Midterms CBA.  You know your stuff.  You can do this! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Mr. Mielke: An Inspirational Teacher, An Inspirational Blog!

I am going to cheat a bit this week and take you to the blog of an incredible teacher I just stumbled upon today.  His name is Chase Mielke and in 2014 he was a Michigan Teacher of the Year nominee.  It s titled “Affective Learning” and as you will see in just a few clicks and reading a few of his posts, this teacher is for real. 
Here is the link to his blog:

Mr. Mielke seems a bit younger than me, and that made his posts even more significant for me to read.  He really reminded me of a few key reasons that I became a teacher and why I think this is an amazing job.  He even has made some videos to go along with this posts, showing us all that there are many mediums of communication.   This is one of the things I am trying to impress upon my students taking my Creative Media Class.  I want them to be able to write well, but also to take that to the next level and create a product such as a video. 

So here are two of my favorite videos from this outstanding blog by an exceptional teacher.  Enjoy!